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“So let’s see this list you came up with,” he said as if needing a diversion.
“Out of the people that Drew knew and hung out with, who had the money to invest?” she asked as Justin took a sip of his beer.
“You’re assuming it was his poker-playing buddies, but don’t forget about his best friend, CJ Hanson,” Justin said as he studied the list they’d made. “His grandfather left him money and CJ, as rough as he is, wasn’t dumb enough to blow it. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d invested it.”
Chloe added his name to the list. “So the regular poker-playing buddies I know about were Drew Calhoun, Pete Ferris, Al Duncan and Monte Decker. There are others we came up with in town who might have had the money to invest and would have wanted in on the deal, but they didn’t travel in the same circles as Drew.”
Justin agreed. “You can scratch Al Duncan off the list. He couldn’t have come up with the money. But they weren’t the only ones who played poker with Drew. CJ Hanson, his best friend, played occasionally but he probably knew that Drew cheated so was smart enough not to lose his money to him. Blaine Simpson also played with them and our ranch manager, Thane Zimmerman.”
“Blaine?” Chloe couldn’t help her surprise.
“That was before he found out that Drew had been trying to steal his wife.”
He was studying the list. “Wait, there was one more. Your old friend Kelly Locke. He was younger than the rest of them so they probably fleeced him.”
Chloe couldn’t have been more shocked. “I hope they did.” Her heart was pounding. “Well, if you are looking for a killer, I vote for the now-suspended Deputy Kelly Locke.”
Justin nodded, his jaw tightening. “He sounds like he’s a good candidate but I’d have to put my money on Thane Zimmerman. I didn’t tell you, but I found out that he’s been stealing from the ranch for years, worse since my father has been distracted. I fired him. He and Drew used to butt heads. There was no love lost between them. I just can’t imagine that Thane had that kind of money though.”
“Right. I doubt Deputy Locke had the funds either. But it’s hard to say since we don’t know if he has a rich uncle he could have gotten it from,” she said.
Justin put down the list. “What we don’t have though is proof. Lots of suspects but no proof. But if all of those on the list had come up with half a million, except Monte who kicked in two hundred thousand, they would have had close to four million dollars. If losing five hundred thousand soured the deal at the last minute, then there must not have been any wiggle room with the finances.”
As that conversation waned, Chloe asked, “Did you tell your father what we’d found out?” He nodded. “How’d he take it?”
Justin smiled and shook his head. “Better than I expected. He’s anxious to get out of the hospital. He wants me to move back onto the ranch.”
She curled her feet under her and sipped her wine. “How do you feel about that?”
“I know it’s where I belong, but I’m not sure I’m ready. We’ll see.” He picked up the list, then put it down again, his gaze going to hers. “I should go. I have a dance coming up and no costume yet. Dawson’s mother, though, said not to worry. She’s going to help me out.”
She grinned as she put down her wineglass and rose with him. “Willie? I can’t wait to see what she comes up with for you.”
He laughed and shook his head. Moving to the door, he pulled on his coat and boots, then took his Stetson from the hook by the door and settled it on his head. “I would imagine cowboy’s been taken.” His smile faded. “You sure you’ll be all right here by yourself?”
She glanced at the clock on the wall. “My sisters will be back any moment. I’ll lock the door behind you. I’ll be fine.”
He still looked reluctant to leave and she wondered how much of it had to do with a killer on the loose—or this electricity sparking between them. They weren’t teenagers. It was only a matter of time before they did a whole lot more than kiss.
And yet he seemed to be holding back.
“I suppose it’s too much to hope that the sheriff will have found Drew and Monte’s killer before New Year’s Eve,” he said. “Otherwise, we could be sharing the dance floor with a murderer.”
That’s if the person who killed both Drew and Monte didn’t kill again before then. She knew that was what had him worried. As her sisters drove up, she saw Justin relax. “Talk to you later?”
She nodded and smiled.
Chapter Seventeen
Chloe hoped she could find something to wear to the costume dance. She promised herself she would look at the stores in the morning.
Tired after the day she’d had, she went upstairs, showered and climbed into bed with one of TJ’s books. It was just getting to a really scary part when Justin called.
“I hope I didn’t wake you,” he said.
She put down the book and lay back on her bed. “You didn’t. I was reading one of my sister’s books and about to scare myself into nightmares, so I’m glad you called.”
“You get scared reading a book but not when bullets are flying in your direction?” he asked with a laugh.
She loved the intimate feel of talking late at night on the phone. Their voices were soft and low. She got the feeling that Justin was lying on his bed, as well. “I was scared.”
“Are you all right now?”
“Right now, I’m wonderful. All it took was the sound of your voice.”
He chuckled at that. “You don’t know how hard it was not to touch you at your house earlier.”
She felt her heart bump in her chest. This was another thing about these late night phone calls. It was easier to say the things she wanted to. “Why didn’t you?”
“You’re going to think I’m crazy but I had this idea that we would kiss at the dance. I had this idea that it would be...romantic. Sappy, huh? But I don’t think I can wait.”
Smiling, she said, “I’m glad to hear that. Are you afraid though that you’ll be disappointed?”
“Not a chance. Being around you, I feel as if I’ve grabbed hold of a live electrical wire. Half the time when I look at you, I’m afraid my heart will beat out of my chest.”
She chuckled. “I know the feeling.”
He was quiet for a few moments. “I guess I also wanted to take it slow. I’ve jumped into things before and only managed to mess them up. I don’t want to do that with you.”
She hugged herself and pressed the phone even tighter to her ear. “I’m glad.”
“I should let you get some sleep. I need to pick up my father tomorrow morning at the hospital and take him out to the ranch. I’ve hired a nurse who will be moving in to one of the guest rooms for the next few weeks. I also need to look around the ranch and see what all needs to be done. At some point, I’ll have to hire a new ranch manager.”
“You have a lot on your plate right now. If there is anything I can do...”
“Just start the New Year with me on the dance floor.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Are you going to be all right tomorrow?”
“I’ll be fine. We told the sheriff everything we know. The killer has no reason to come after us.”
“Except for the fact that we’re the reason all this has come to light,” he pointed out.
“I would think this person is more worried about getting away with the murders he has already committed than getting back at the two of us.”
Justin agreed. “He’s managed to get away with Drew’s murder for five years. So he’s not stupid. Stupid would be coming after us.”
“Exactly. I have things I need to do too. Like figure out my costume for the dance.”
“Something sexy like you.”
She smiled. “We’ll see.” She ached to be in his arms right now under a thick down comforter, cuddled together. And s
he wanted that kiss badly. She was glad he said he couldn’t wait until the dance.
Something told her those original fireworks were still there—actually even more potent because of these days they’d spent together fighting to keep their hands off each other.
“I haven’t had time to even think about my costume for the dance and the double wedding is the next day. Would you want to go with me?”
“I’d be honored.” They both fell silent until finally he broke the quiet. “Sleep tight. I’ll be thinking about you.”
“Me too.” She listened as he disconnected before she did the same. She smiled at herself in the dark. She was falling in love all over again with Justin T. Calhoun and they hadn’t even kissed again yet.
She picked up TJ’s book but quickly put it aside again. Instead, she lay on the bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about the good-looking cowboy. Just the thought of him made her heart beat faster. The sound of his voice on the phone tonight had left her tingling inside. She hadn’t felt excited like this about anyone in a very long time.
* * *
HE OFTEN WONDERED about people. It amazed him that some people thought they were smarter than him. He shook his head as he drove out of town. The moment he realized Nici had left, he’d known he had to go after her. If she’d been smart, she wouldn’t have run. Just like Monte. Running had only made him look guilty.
With Nici, running made it clear to him that she’d seen him that night on the Calhoun ranch. And now she’d taken off because he’d killed Monte and she feared she couldn’t keep her mouth shut. Or she was worried that he would come looking for her next.
So maybe she wasn’t so dumb after all because he was looking for her. And if he was right, he knew where she’d gone. What he didn’t understand was why she hadn’t sung like a canary the night she’d seen him leaving Drew’s cabin. True, she disliked the law—and there was a good chance they wouldn’t have believed her. But he thought it was more a case of being guilty herself. He’d witnessed at least part of the fight she’d had with Drew.
If Nici had come forward right away with what she knew, she would have had to admit that she was the one who’d scratched the hell out of Drew before he died. He bet that some of Drew Calhoun’s skin was probably still under her nails that night.
So, yes, she had her reasons for keeping her mouth shut. But maybe not so much now. He could guess why she hadn’t put the bite on him. Nici wasn’t above blackmail. She could have tried to bleed him dry with what she knew. Unless she didn’t want to take the chance that he might find out who she was. Was it possible that she didn’t realize that he’d seen her the night he killed Drew?
No, he thought as he slowed his pickup for the turnoff ahead, she knew. And now he knew because she’d run. Stupid girl. Now she was going to have to die.
Chapter Eighteen
Nici Kent was holed up in a cabin down in the Snowy Mountains. He’d figured she’d go there since the place belonged to a neighbor. He knew she’d be wary. That’s why he’d come at night, parked down the road and walked up the mountain to the cabin. Her small older car was parked partway down the road. Apparently that was as far as she was able to get through the snow.
He was a little winded by the time he reached the dark cabin. It had been a while since he’d done any manual labor. Climbing up a mountain through the deep snow was tougher than he remembered.
No lights shown inside the small structure. He was almost to it when his cell phone rang. Hurriedly taking it from his pocket, he answered, surprised that he’d forgotten to put his phone on vibrate. He’d slipped up and he didn’t like that. If he’d been any closer to the cabin, it would have alerted Nici, something he wanted to avoid.
Seeing who was calling, he turned off his phone and repocketed it with a silent curse. He didn’t need to deal with the caller right now. What was he saying? He didn’t ever want to deal with the caller.
He moved along the side of the cabin. Smoke rose from the chimney into the growing dusk. He wanted this over with quickly so he could get back to Whitehorse.
His hope was that Nici felt safe here. Still, he doubted she would leave the front door open. The back door though was another story since these cabins didn’t have running water—especially in the winter. That meant that she would have to use the outhouse up on the hill.
He tried the back door. Locked. Swearing under his breath, he realized that she was more spooked even here in the mountains than he had expected. He thought about waiting her out. Eventually she would have to use the facilities, such as they were.
But he had little patience. He’d already taken the time to drive down here. He couldn’t waste any more time with this. He found the power source to the cabin even though it appeared she’d already gone to bed since there were no lights on inside. He cut the power just in case. He’d never minded working in the dark.
He wasn’t planning on using the gun. But he pulled it. At the back door, he listened again. No sound from inside. With luck he would finish this and be home before anyone knew he’d been gone.
Gun in hand, he kicked in the back door and burst in.
* * *
JUSTIN THOUGHT OF something that had started to worry him and called Chloe right back. “Aren’t our costumes supposed to kind of match at the dance?”
She laughed. “I’m sure whatever Willie comes up with for you will be amazing. And mine will just be something sexy.”
“I’m sure it will be no matter what you find to wear. By the way, what do I need to wear to your sisters’ wedding?”
“It’s Montana. Do you own a clean pair of jeans?”
“Got it. No plaid,” he joked. “Hell, I might surprise you and show up with a new pair of boots.”
“You don’t have to get that crazy—”
“Hang on a minute. That’s weird, I have another call.” He hit the flash button to put Chloe on hold and connect with the other caller.
He sat straight up in bed. “Nici, what is it?” She was crying so hard, he couldn’t understand what she was saying. “Where are you? Nici, tell me where you are. Stay right there. I’m on my way.” He cut back to Chloe. “I just got a call from Nici. She’s a friend and she’s in trouble.”
“Pick me up? I’ll go with you.”
“I’m on my way.”
* * *
CHLOE WAS DRESSED and waiting at the door when Justin pulled up. She ran out to his pickup and climbed in. “Did she say what had happened?” she asked as he threw the truck into gear and took off down the street.
He drove for a moment without answering. “She was crying so hard I couldn’t tell.” He glanced at her. “There’s something I should have told you before this. Nici and I have been friends for a long time. At one time, well, we were more than that.”
“I know.”
“I can’t help being protective of her. Nici, well, she’s been her own worst enemy. I’ve been worried about her for the past five years. When Monte was killer earlier...”
Chloe heard five years. Then Monte. “Was Nici...” She wasn’t sure what to ask, just that it was clear it had something to do with Drew and his death. She held her breath.
Justin was busy driving as snowflakes fell in a dizzying rush that the wipers were fighting to keep up with. “Nici was there the night Drew was killed.”
“She didn’t—”
“No, but I’ve long suspected that she didn’t just see who killed Drew—but the killer saw her.”
“She didn’t tell you who she saw?”
He shook his head. “Believe me I’ve tried to talk to her about this.”
“Why wouldn’t she have told the sheriff?”
“This happened before you came to live in Whitehorse. Nici’s father was killed by the local sheriff. Her father was drunk and, threatening to kill the sheriff at that ti
me, rushed the man... Nici has had a problem with the law ever since.”
Chloe stared at the snow-covered road ahead. “You think the killer found her.” She glanced over at Justin and could see how worried he was. “Did she say if she was injured?”
He shook his head. “All I got out of her was that she’d be waiting for us at the Hayes turnoff.”
* * *
JUSTIN PULLED OFF at what was once a trailer park. Now there was a small store there along with some abandoned cars and other discarded equipment. The store was closed and from what he could tell, there was no one around.
Nor did he see Nici’s old car. He pulled in, cut his lights and pulled out his phone. It wasn’t snowing quite as hard as earlier, but it was still hard to see if anyone was coming up the highway. He started to call Nici when his phone buzzed with a text.
I’m here. Pull up to the store and cut your engine.
He started to do as she said, when Chloe laid a hand on his arm.
“What if that isn’t her texting? What if someone has her phone?”
Justin looked at her for a moment, before he texted back.
What’s your favorite beer?
Nothing happened for a long minute before an emoji appeared along with the words Anything you’re buying.
He smiled over at Chloe, then pulled closer to the store and cut his engine. Snowy darkness closed in around them. They waited. He stared out at the darkness through the falling snow, all his senses on alert. Something bad had happened. Maybe Nici had gotten away. Or maybe she wasn’t alone out there as she thought she was.
When she came running up to the pickup, he jumped and Chloe let out a startled cry. She quickly opened her door and slid over in the bench seat to let Nici in.
The moment the door slammed, she said, “Go! Get me out of here!”
He hurriedly started the motor and pulled out onto the highway again.
Chloe had pulled off her coat and wrapped it around Nici even against her protests.
“Are you hurt?” Justin asked glancing over at her. There was blood on her cheek and her left eye was swollen. She looked more frightened than hurt.